Making industrial complexity visible


Companies struggle with the following challenge every day: complexity is constantly increasing in all areas of work and results in a decrease in clarity, comprehensibility and traceability. EXARON is a solution provider that specializes in Modelling and simulation of complex industrial processes and systems. We use immersive 3D environments in which system modeling, simulation, data visualization, collaboration and AI technologies can be combined. This enables the development of customer-specific solutions that meet the challenges of growing industrial complexity. We use the following tools: Visual Components as 3D simulation platform and industrial-grade Extended Reality (XR) technologies .

We visualize concepts and plans (e.g. for new buildings or renovations) in 3D in order to reduce the scope for interpretation or to check feasibility.

We simulate processes (e.g. material and goods flows) so that processes can be evaluated and optimized and systems can be put into operation virtually.

We use immersive technologies so that prototypes, products and objects can be edited, tested, presented and trained in virtual space.


EXARON's USP is the synergistic connection between industry and consumer tech. Or to put it another way: If professional experience in the areas Mechanical and plant engineering, Automation technology, robotics and Production technology When we meet years of simulation and XR expertise, we create solutions with concrete and immediate added value for our customers.


We speak the language of our customers: Through our training and professional experience (mechanical and plant engineering, automation technology, robotics, mechatronics, production technology) we know both the tools (e.g. simulation) and challenges of an industrial company as well as the specific requirements of its customers from various industries.


We know the latest technology trends: For several years now, we have been working intensively on Extended Reality (XR) technologies - both software and hardware - and their applicability in industrial environments. EXARON is therefore a pioneer in Industrial XR.


With Visual Components EXARON uses leading 3D simulation software in factory and production planning. The special features of the platform include an eCatalog with over 3,000 prefabricated and simulation-capable components as well as the possibility of offline robot programming. 


Extended Reality (XR) is an umbrella term for technologies that create computer-generated environments and objects. They differ primarily in the relationship between the real and virtual world:

While users of Augmented Reality (AR) perceive virtual objects as an extension of the real world, they emerge through the use of Virtual Reality (VR) into a purely virtual world. Mixed Reality (MR) combines elements of AR and VR.